Cafe Church

Worship on Sunday 30th October 2022 was a Café Church in the Dryburgh Churches Hall. This service was our first Café Church since 29 September 2019 - largely because of Covid restrictions! It was a friendly, informal service led by Fran Selkirk and organised by our Stewardship Committee on the theme of Stewardship the Earth and our local community. After an opening prayer led by Fran, we enjoyed singing hymns, chosen on the theme and accompanied by Helen on the keyboard.
We were treated to coffee, tea or juice with some tasty treats while we sat in tables and chatted about God’s creation and our task in caring for this generous gift. We looked at topical stories on our theme from local and national newspapers and each group had a spokesperson who summarised their findings. These included discussion on recycling, local nature efforts, human rights, appreciation of our local area, reducing plastic use, global warming and making sure we listen to our youth as the elderly don’t have a monopoly on wisdom!
We meditated on Hymn 244 while Helen played a beautiful improvisation.
Earlier this year the Stewardship and Fund-Raising Committee initiated a photographic “competition” which was the source of some wonderful photographs of our local area. Some twelve of these were chosen by the Committee to illustrate our Dryburgh Churches Calendar for 2023. All of the entries were shown in a 10-minute slide show to the congregation and thanks were extended to all the entrants.
Our discussion led to challenges for the Congregation and to our community to be more environmentally aware and to encourage each other in this. We want there to be lasting benefit from this Café Church and we were encouraged to:
Worship on Sunday 30th October 2022 was a Café Church in the Dryburgh Churches Hall. This service was our first Café Church since 29 September 2019 - largely because of Covid restrictions! It was a friendly, informal service led by Fran Selkirk and organised by our Stewardship Committee on the theme of Stewardship the Earth and our local community. After an opening prayer led by Fran, we enjoyed singing hymns, chosen on the theme and accompanied by Helen on the keyboard.
We were treated to coffee, tea or juice with some tasty treats while we sat in tables and chatted about God’s creation and our task in caring for this generous gift. We looked at topical stories on our theme from local and national newspapers and each group had a spokesperson who summarised their findings. These included discussion on recycling, local nature efforts, human rights, appreciation of our local area, reducing plastic use, global warming and making sure we listen to our youth as the elderly don’t have a monopoly on wisdom!
We meditated on Hymn 244 while Helen played a beautiful improvisation.
Earlier this year the Stewardship and Fund-Raising Committee initiated a photographic “competition” which was the source of some wonderful photographs of our local area. Some twelve of these were chosen by the Committee to illustrate our Dryburgh Churches Calendar for 2023. All of the entries were shown in a 10-minute slide show to the congregation and thanks were extended to all the entrants.
Our discussion led to challenges for the Congregation and to our community to be more environmentally aware and to encourage each other in this. We want there to be lasting benefit from this Café Church and we were encouraged to:
- Eat seasonal foods and to continue with more vigour to have two days a week which are meat or fish-free.
- If appropriate, pledge to donate at least part of your fuel payment from the government, to a charity that looks to help those who are in fuel poverty such as Energy Action Scotland
- Use Royal Mail for deliveries where possible
- Don’t buy bottled water
- Make small changes (they all count)
- Recycle more
- Use and offer community transport
- One starfish makes a difference – you had to be there!